I feel like I'm in Hell

Published by Bhavana under on 11:18 PM
I don't even believe in Hell yet if there was one this would be it. I haven't been writing much lately, it's been too hard. Last Monday my grandmother passed away. She was 92, the matriarch of our huge family, and very loved. So I have been immensely sad. I was too afraid to put 'pen to paper' as I was afraid that it would make it more real. But I'm accepting it. Now that all the family stuff to be dealt with is well and truly over I can let it sink in. It was her time and I'm actually happy for her. Though it still royally sucks.

Because of my grandmother I had the week off to do the usual funeral stuff. Getting back to work on Sat. and today was rough. Everyone is super supportive but apparently they can't function for shit without me. So it's been very busy, and I have a list of stuff to do tomorrow. Oy.

I've been dealing though.


I get this unbelievable email from a friend of my ex-boyfriend. Now please keep in mind we dated for 4 months only and have been broken up for about 1 month. It's been pretty rough on him apparently. And I admit I didn't handle things the way I should have but all told just saying that you don't know if you love someone and then breaking up with them isn't that bad. He returned gifts I gave him, random things he bought when I was around, basically everything. He has told me that I have destroyed him, he can never love again, and that he's failing university because of me. But this email takes the cake. She said, and I quote "He wants to kill himself and it will be your fault if he does, dont let him do this." (I corrected spelling and grammar so I guess it's not a direct quote)

WHAT THE FUCK!???!!!!!

Can you say emotional blackmail? How does 'he hates you' and 'he wants you back' correlate at all?! I refuse to take that, it's not mine, I will not carry that. Nothing anybody does is because of you, it's because of their own reality. NOw I just have to belive that emotionally. good luck me. fuck! and i was so excited for the Lyle Lovett concert tomorrow. AAAHHH!!!


Anonymous said... @ February 14, 2008 at 10:00 PM

I am so sorry about your grandmother.

And wtf? is right!
Like you need a totally dysfunctional email like that.
No wonder you didn't want to continue the relationship...this guy sounds unstable and it is not your problem if he's suicidal.
You're right! Yay for you! You are not accountable for his actions no matter what they are.
Worry about yourself. Piss on these emails and emotional blackmail headgames!
Take care,

Jane said... @ February 18, 2008 at 12:55 PM

Well, first of all, let me send love and light to you on the passing of your grandmother.

I think it's utter bullshit that anyone should have to make you feel guilty or bad about the ex's actions. You did what you felt was best and healthiest for you. Can you imagine the sheer hell of the relationship if you had stayed with him?! He needs to grow up and you need to stay strong and focused on you and your own personal journey.

Happy Monday,

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