Monday Again?

Published by Bhavana under on 10:10 PM
yeah i can't believe it either, the weekend goes way too fast. Especially since I have a wonderful new man to spend it with. My Grease Monkey sure makes me smile (he's a mechanic by the way lol). He met my family over thanksgiving and it went really well ... their craziness didn't scare him away so i guess he's a keeper. wink wink.

i worked a long shift today because i had to substitute a class for a co-worker. she was at a doula workshop so i was more than willing to help out ... except that the class runs till 9. 9! wow am i ever tired. i'm contemplating movign on from my current place. I've been there well over a year now and i've definitely hit the glass ceiling. And trust me .. capping out at $11/hr sucks hard. i've gotten so much experience and knowledge from working there and i love my co-workers so it will definitely be hard. that being said the job hunt starts now! woo hoo .... eep.

and in other news i did get my meds checked. seems like my body has adapted to them. so the plan is to ween off them and then start a new drug to see how that goes. so if i seem bitchy it's because i have no paxil and am dizzy. ;)

that's all for now folks!


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