Published by Bhavana under on 11:52 PM
Ai mami!
Published by Bhavana under spring on 12:04 AM1. i get to wear my rubber boots! :)
2. my birthday is soon
3.it's raining and there is mud (granted under like 5 feet of snow)
4.I can start thinking about parties and dresses and gardening
5.flowers and chai and the smell of wet grass
oh dear i've gotta stop i'm getting way ahead of myself. but soon people! soon!
A sleepless monday
Published by Bhavana under on 1:40 AMbook meme! i steal from deb too oft' me thinks
Published by Bhavana under on 1:00 AM2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
1.check! book is Beyond the Horizon by Colin Angus (it's about his journey to circumnavigate the globe using only human power)
2.okay done
3.From now on, I would pitch my tent almost every day to maximize my progress.
4.The discomfort of the extreme cold would be great, but that's why we had asked outdoor companies to sponsor us with their highest-quality cold-weather gear. Besides, only by sticking to a more steady schedule could we exit Russia before our visas expired. At seven the next morning, as the snow-blanketed land began to emit a diffuse glow, I said goodbye to my expedition colleagues and began my 4,000-kilomtre journey to Irkutsk.
5.tag yourself ... cus it's more fun that way. :)
This week's Horoscope...
Published by Bhavana under on 10:09 PMThat one certainly hits close to home. It puls up those little heart pangs; the ones I'm too afraid to let out. Because I'm scared noone will be there to catch me. But buck-up bhavana! you can catch yourself! Maybe if I say it loud enough it will start to be true? But in all seriouslness it makes a very good point. There is beauty in everything and boy have I ever learned alot about myself lately. *sings annoyingly yet still cutely* keep on swimming, keep on swimming. tehe
Published by Bhavana under on 11:03 PM
Life is a funny thing. In my class tonight I was trying to teach connection. By using your breath and dropping down into your physical body you can connect to who you are as a being/person. In my classes I want so much for my students to 'get it.' To really understand things about themselves and have those 'aha' moments. But I just can't make them understand. I have to start actively 'offering' my teachings. If the students are ready for those teachings then they'll get there. If they aren't ready in their own personal journey to receive the information i'm providing then that is just what it is. Letting go is so hard for me. It's not my journey, it's theirs let them do it theirselves. I just want to do it all for other people and ignore my own shit. Yet at the same time I really want respect from my peers/'superiors'. Today has been a rollercoaster. Feeling good and confident in my abilities, learning from the mentoring oportunities i have at work. But on the other hand being really frustrated in my interpersonal relationships with my boss and some of my friends. Sigh! It's just been one of those days I tell ya!
(but that date went so well that i had another on sunday ... so pray this one isn't crazy. lol)