Published by Bhavana under on 11:52 PM
I feel like an idiot. As I mentioned before I've started seeing this guy,we'll call him the Frenchman, and so far it's been going well. We were getting along famously. Or at least I thought so. We were both being good about talking openly (huge for me) and he had openly admitted to wanting to be with me. And that felt fabulous, we had great chemistry. Yes you are right I am writing in the past tense. Because now I'm not so sure. The Frenchman and I live a good distance (about 2 hours) away from each other and find it difficult to see one another as often as we'd like. I was starting to fall big time and then *snap* like a rubber band breaking reality comes whipping back. I haven't talked to him in a week and I feel as though he's avoiding me. Trust me my confidence is majorly foundering. I have this ache inside me that usually I barely feel, if at all. But lately this ache has been getting worse. The Frenchman made me realize the ache was still there. I thought maybe he could make that ache go away but now it seems like some cruel joke. The Universe wants me to remember that deeply rooted seed of want; wanting to be loved, and yet the Universe definitely doesn't want that ache to be mended. Or at least that's how it feels right now. It may all be silliness, he may just be busy or what have you. But right now I'm hurting. And I dislike hurting.


Jane said... @ April 2, 2008 at 10:29 AM

It's amazing how much energy relationships take up, isn't it? I know that feeling well when you sit there and wonder when they'll call, etc.

I'm just banking on the fact the God/Universe will give me the right thing when the time is right.

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